“Creativity is intelligence having fun,” said Albert Einstein. That, for me, sums up my two decades as head of film and video for one of the world's largest corporations. It was challenging, it was pressured, but I loved almost every second of it. What’s more, it lives on in HerioVisual, the virtual agency that I’ve built on the experience I gained from 20 years on the frontline of corporate visual communication.
As a communicator, I’ve been up close to mega-mergers, global brand launches and industry-changing events — and the pictures my teams generated to tell those stories have been viewed by millions around the world. Across nearly a thousand productions, I’ve been privileged to work with hundreds of creative professionals. Most of them were good, some of them were great, but the best were dazzling. Not just because they were masters of their craft — that goes without saying — but because they were intelligent and thoughtful, dynamic and driven, ego-free and cheerful. They made it all look so easy, from delivering inspirational ideas, to executing them with calm efficiency. And we also laughed a lot in the process. Einstein was right: creativity done well is the best fun.
If the pandemic taught us anything, it's that production teams can work virtually. Within days of the world locking down in March 2020, it was clear that the traditional model — centralised film and video production in a shared physical space — was unworkable. Fortunately, production professionals are nothing if not responsive to change. In fact, we like nothing better than pulling off the impossible. Like re-organising, re-focusing and re-equipping an entire creative operation and resuming full-scale production, entirely remotely, within two weeks.
Sure, we get together for shoots (obviously), and quite often for edits and definitely socially. But we remain largely a virtual organisation, with no large office to run. This helps make Herio seriously cost-effective.
Years ago, someone asked me what I looked for in a producer. My answer was simple: someone who gets rid of my headaches, dazzles me with creative ideas and makes me look good in front of the boss.
I’d give the same answer again today — and that’s exactly what HerioVisual will do for you.
Steven Croston
HerioVisual founder and Head of Agency
Steven Croston, head of agency
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